The topic of how men feel about having their balls touched during oral sex is not often discussed openly, but it's an important aspect of sexual pleasure and communication. To shed some light on this topic, we spoke to 12 guys about their experiences and feelings regarding this intimate act. Here's what they had to say.

We all know that men have their preferences when it comes to intimacy, and let's be real, receiving oral pleasure is definitely high on the list for many. But what do men really think about it? Well, the honest truth is that it varies from person to person. Some may absolutely love it and see it as a key part of their sexual experience, while others may not be as keen. If you're curious to find out more about what men think, check out this interesting comparison between Growlr and PlentyOfFish here. It's a fascinating look into the diverse thoughts and opinions on this topic.

The Pleasure of Ball Touching

For many of the men we spoke to, having their balls touched during oral sex is a pleasurable and exciting experience. They described the sensation as adding an extra layer of stimulation that enhances the overall pleasure of the sexual encounter. Some mentioned that gentle touching or light massaging of the balls can intensify their arousal and lead to more intense orgasms.

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The Importance of Communication

Communication is key when it comes to any sexual activity, including ball touching during oral sex. Several of the men emphasized the importance of their partners checking in with them and asking for consent before engaging in this type of touch. They appreciated partners who were attentive to their needs and desires, and who were willing to adjust their technique based on feedback.

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The Sensitivity Factor

One common theme that emerged from our conversations was the varying levels of sensitivity among men when it comes to their balls. Some men expressed that they enjoy having their balls touched and even prefer a firmer touch, while others mentioned that they are more sensitive and prefer a gentler approach. It's clear that understanding and respecting individual differences in sensitivity is crucial for a positive experience.

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The Role of Trust and Comfort

Trust and comfort with a partner were frequently cited as important factors in how men feel about having their balls touched during oral sex. Many of the men mentioned that they felt more at ease and able to fully enjoy the experience when they were with a partner whom they trusted and felt comfortable with. They emphasized the importance of building a strong emotional connection and establishing trust in order to fully explore and enjoy sexual intimacy.

The Power of Consent

Consent is an essential component of any sexual activity, and our conversations with the men reinforced this message. Several of the men stressed the importance of their partners seeking their consent before touching their balls during oral sex. They emphasized that consent should be given freely and enthusiastically, and that partners should always be respectful of their boundaries and comfort levels.

The Need for Open Communication

Open and honest communication emerged as a recurring theme in our discussions. Many of the men expressed the importance of being able to communicate openly with their partners about their likes, dislikes, and boundaries when it comes to sexual touch. They emphasized the need for partners to be receptive to feedback and willing to adjust their approach based on their preferences.

The Impact of Trust and Connection

Trust and emotional connection were highlighted as crucial elements in how men feel about having their balls touched during oral sex. Several of the men mentioned that they were more comfortable and able to fully enjoy the experience when they were with a partner whom they trusted and felt emotionally connected to. They emphasized the importance of building a strong foundation of trust and intimacy in order to fully explore and enjoy sexual pleasure.

The Importance of Sensitivity

Understanding and respecting individual differences in sensitivity was a key point that emerged from our conversations. Some men expressed a preference for a firmer touch on their balls, while others mentioned that they were more sensitive and preferred a gentler approach. It's clear that partners need to be attuned to and respectful of their partner's unique needs and preferences in order to create a positive and pleasurable experience.


The experiences and feelings of the 12 men we spoke to about having their balls touched during oral sex were diverse and varied. However, several common themes emerged, including the importance of communication, consent, trust, and sensitivity. Ultimately, the key to a positive and pleasurable experience lies in open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to understand and accommodate individual preferences. By prioritizing these elements, partners can create a safe and enjoyable space for exploring and enhancing sexual pleasure.